Abie and Stephen are the adventurous duo behind Trek Twogether, a content-creation brand that explores travel, food, and outdoor experiences across Canada and beyond. Based in Saskatchewan, they specialize in capturing immersive storytelling through video, photography, and engaging social media content. With a passion for hiking, camping, climbing, and discovering hidden gems, they’ve collaborated with tourism organizations, restaurants, and brands to showcase unique destinations and experiences.
Ainsley is a Toronto-based editor for a real estate and urban development publication by day but works as a freelance writer and content creator by night. While her initial dive into journalism had her covering a vast range of topics including current events, politics, and local and international news, she quickly realized her true passion and calling was writing about urban living, interior design, real estate, and beautiful spaces.
Alex Derry is a Toronto-based communications consultant, content strategist, and writer with more than a decade of experience working in complex media-driven environments, including global professional service firms, chambers of commerce, non-profits, and newsrooms. He has written about housing, trade, tech, transportation, politics, corporate governance, the future of work. Connect with Alex at linkedin.com/in/alexderry/
Alicia Hearns is an Ottawa-based freelance writer and editor specializing in the concrete and construction industries. She is passionate about creating lead generation and thought leadership content, SEO management, and content strategies. She spends her free time reading, working on her first novel, and puzzling.
Charlene is a freelance interior decorator, product stylist and content creator. Her passion for styling inspired her to create All Style Life where she enjoys blogging about décor, styling and sharing her favourite DIYs. One of her proudest moments was becoming a homeowner herself and she loves to share her home décor over Instagram. You can find her at @allstylelife.
Amanie is a mother, educator, and blogger with a keen interest for all things lifestyle and home. She encourages her followers to see education and learning as an evolving process where continual growth can happen. Since education is so vital in her life, she knew when it came time to purchasing a home, she needed to seek out the expertise of a REALTOR® to guide the way - the best decisions are informed ones after all! Follow along at @theplayfulfawn.
Christine is a married mom to three kids under the age of eight and they all live in the suburbs of the Greater Toronto Area. She and her husband are the founders and editors of the family lifestyle blog Amidst the Chaos, which has a flare for family travel, home décor and DIY, food, fashion and everything in between.
Angie is a University of Toronto graduate in communications and professional writing. She is currently finishing journalism school while juggling the position of Multimedia Coordinator at Truly Social Inc. When she's not working or studying, Angie loves to attend concerts and shows, and try every new food item she can get her hands on. You can find her on Twitter @GIGIJourn.
Annisha is an internationally published writer and content strategist. She has written for Toronto Life, The Culture Trip, Smith Hotels, Darling Magazine and other lifestyle media platforms. Annisha loves all things interior design and spends most of her free time planning her dream home inspired by all of the places she's traveled. Annisha currently works as a content marketing consultant for entrepreneurial changemakers.
Anubha Momin got her start in film and television three and a half years ago in the unlikely locale of Iqaluit as the Production Manager for the only serialized show made in Nunavut. She now works on and off screen as a host, producer, and content creator for outlets like VICE, CBC, and Netflix. Anubha was named one of 50 Outstanding Canadians by the Huffington Post in 2016, joined The Walrus Talks national tour as a speaker in 2017, and was a member of the 2018 Polaris Prize Grand Jury.